living woods magazine: 1st issue

living woods magazine: 1st issue

To get this for free, simply sign up to our daily-ish email

By staying on our dailyish email, you will also gain access to the other freebies:

  • Rocket Mass Heater Plans: Annex 6" L-shaped Bench by Ernie and Erica
  • 100th issue of permaculture magazine
  • Rocket Mass Heater Manual
  • 19 skiddable structures documentary - 36 minutes
  • Solar Station Construction Plans by Ben Peterson -- ebook
  • Willie Smits: Village Based Permaculture Approaches in Indonesia (video)
  • Native Bee Guide by Crown Bees
  • Justin Rhodes 45 minute video tour of wheaton labs basecamp
  • permaculture thorns, A Book About Trying to Build Permaculture Community - draft eBook
  • Common Weeds And Wild Edibles Of The World (HD movie)
  • Rocket Mass Heater podcast gob
  • 6 Ways To Keep Chickens - pdf download
  • 10 Podcast Review of the book Just Enough by Azby Brown
  • The Humble Soapnut - A Guide to the Laundry Detergent that Grows on Trees ebook by Kathryn Ossing
  • 3D Plans - Pebble Style Rocket Mass Heater
  • Companion Planting Guide by World Permaculture Association
  • How To Preserve Eggs by Leigh Tate
  • Pip Magazine - Issue 19: Ideas and Inspiration for a Positive Future
  • Clean With Cleaners You Can Eat by Raven Ranson
  • Garden Mastery Academy - Module 1: Dare to Dream
  • Diego Footer on Permaculture Based Homesteads - from the Eat Your Dirt Summit
  • Unofficial Companion Guide to the Rocket Oven DVD
  • Collection of 14 Permaculture/Homesteading Cheat-Sheets, Worksheets, and Guides
  • My PEP Badge Tracker: An easier way to track your PEP Badge Progress
  • pdc evening presentations: animals in the landscape part 1 and 2
  • pdc evening presentation: jocelyn campbell on permaculture money and finance
  • pdc evening presentation: ram pumps with tim barker
  • Cooking with a Rocket Oven - 19 minutes
  • 12 rocket mass heaters documentary - 37 minutes
  • wofati microdoc
  • Hugelkultur Micro Documentary - HD streaming
  • microdoc: building the easy bake coffin
  • 17 podcast review of Gaia's Garden by Toby Hemenway
  • 21 podcast review of Sepp Holzer's Permaculture
  • Chapters 1-4 of Dairy Farming: The Beautiful Way by Adam Klaus
  • Paul Wheaton's Hugelkultur Q&A from the Eat Your Dirt Summit
  • Learning to spin yarn on a drop spindle
  • Water Retention Landscapes slides by Zach Weiss
  • pdc evening presentation: jacqueline freeman on animal relationships
  • introduction to welding movie in 47 minutes
  • 11 Podcast Review of Botany in a Day by Thomas Elpel
  • 5 hour tour of wheaton labs
  • permaculture playing cards e-book download
  • The Design and Build of the Giant Solar Food Dehydrator (1 hour and 21 minutes HD)
  • Building a Better World in Your Backyard - Instead of being angry at bad guys - eBook
  • Organic Pools DIY Manual - by David Pagan Butler
  • a lot more freebies in future
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