Alexandra Malecki

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since Oct 26, 2020
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kids hugelkultur forest garden fungi foraging urban cooking bike medical herbs building rocket stoves
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Since moving to Colorado Springs in 2016, I've learned how to garden and I keep finding myself with a higher stack of books about permaculture, natural building, greenhouse design, etc. I have two young children and am a Mechanical Engineer. I got my first PDC from CRMPI in 2021 and my second PDC from Pikes Peak Permaculture Society in 2022 (in progress). I lived in an urban cohousing community for 5 yrs and learned a lot about cmty and how crucial aligning values is for intentional cmtys. I got the opportunity to visit Wheaton Labs in January 2022 for the Garden Masters course and I'm so hooked on permaculture that I can't see straight. I now have a .35acre suburban lot but I think I'll spend my limited resources investing in a public property to try to penetrate more minds with permaculture. I dream of having property, living off-grid, and meeting like-minded people.
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6a; BSk; Colorado Springs, CO; Suburbia; 0.35 acres
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Recent posts by Alexandra Malecki

oh my! I will definitely be there!

Edit: The ticket counter must be broken, it didn't decrease from 12?! Either way, I can't imagine there will be any tickets left!
4 days ago
I sold a few lbs of mushroom to a colleague at work and he venmo'd me with the title "shrooms" -- the next day he realized that it was a bad idea to do that.... oy. Meanwhile the guy that I bought the spent spawn blocks from kindly asked me to title the electronic payment "compost". It's unfortunate that everyone is afraid of how they use words.

Some mushrooms are more desirable than others, I wonder if your brother has found one that he does like.
6 days ago
Wow, I am so grateful to everyone who shared their knowledge with me! It's been a while since I've felt community. It seems that I've just put my toe in to this rabbit hole and have more work to do!
My 7 year old has Molar incisor hypomineralisation (MIH). His molars and incisors aren't pearly white but rather somewhat yellow-tan and brown. His dentist prescribed him an Rx strength flouride. I'd like to find something better.

It doesn't seem like it's known what causes MIH, maybe fevers in the first 1-2 yrs while those teeth are forming?

I've been reading from Dr. Weston Price and I looked into Dr Gerard Judd's book Good Teeth from Birth to Death.

I wonder if any permies have had personal experience with re-mineralizing their teeth?

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
- At least 5" tall by 18" wide
- Some means of hanging or posting the sign
- No treated wood
- Lettering and images are burned
- Must finish with tung oil or linseed oil (or else the burned image disappears)

To document your completion of the BB, provide pics or video (<2 min) of the following:
Attachment 1 - The wood and your burning tools
Attachment 2 - The sign getting burned
Attachment 3 - The sign getting oiled (showing type of oil)
Attachment 4 - The sign meeting the minimum size
Attachment 5 - The sign hanging or posted

The sign is just over 5inches by just over 18inches. I hung the sign using hemp twine and drilling 4 holes. The wood wasn't treated but it was oiled with linseed oil.
Today I made a sign for my backyard, specifically for a trail that produces a ton of garden giantS (aka wine cap or king stopharia) mushrooms. Two years ago I inoculated aspen mulch with king stropharia spent spawn blocks and this trail has been very productive. My family and I fondly call this trail 'Shroom Alley and we harvest from it often.

I used wood that use to be shelving in my neighbor's garage, hemp twine, linseed oil, and a woodburner. I should have anticipated that the knot in the wood might make the sign hard to read so I'll have to look out for that better next  time. Regardless, I love the sign and now my family wants to put signs up every where. How fun! =)

To document your completion of the BB, provide the following:
'SHROOM ALLEY - a link to the permies thread about your location
Attachment 1 - pic of the sign hanging or posted at the location

- No plywood, OSB or particle board - check!
1 week ago
Today I made a sign for my backyard, specifically for a trail that produces a ton of garden giants (aka wine cap or king stopharia) mushrooms. Two years ago I inoculated aspen mulch with king stropharia spent spawn blocks and this trail has been very productive. My family and I fondly call this trail 'Shroom Alley and we harvest from it often.

I used wood that use to be shelving in my neighbor's garage, hemp twine, linseed oil, and a woodburner. I should have anticipated that the knot in the wood might make the sign hard to read so I'll have to look out for that better next  time. Regardless, I love the sign and now my family wants to put signs up every where. How fun! =)

I made a post about this specifically for Community badge bit "Brand a Location"
1 week ago
To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - you must use a cast iron skillet
 - you must cook an egg on the skillet, and it must be able to slide around

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
Youtube link below   - a ten second long video showing the egg sliding around the pan
Attachment 1   - pics (or video) of the pan cleanup

This is my 10sec+ video documentation with complimentary background singing by my son:

There really wasn't much to clean up. Maybe that was the point to demonstrate?
Over the weekend, I made my family moccasins out of elk hide. I used scissors, a leather awl, a leather needle, paper for a template, white buckskin trim, and gold elk hide. No glues. My kids have been wanting me to make them each a pair since I made some for myself. It took about the same amount of time for me to make 3 pairs compared to the first time I made 1 pair for myself!

Minimum requirements:
 - make a pair of soft-soled shoes or slippers
 - will be sewn, no commercial glue

To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pics or video (< 2min):
Attachment 1 - Your materials and tools.
Attachment 2 - Stitching the shoes.
Attachment 3  - Wearing the finished shoes to demonstrate fit.
2 weeks ago
Here is my submission for the Food - Sand - Grain BB.

I cooked 4 dry cups of long brown rice.

To complete this BB, the minimum requirements are:
 - you must produce at least two cups of grain
 - you must use a rice cooker, crock pot or Instant Pot (other brands of pressure cookers are fine)

To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must provide:
Attachment 1   - a picture of the uncooked grain in your cooker
Attachment 2   - a picture of your cooked grain in your cooker (clearly at least 2 cups of cooked grain - if it isn't clear, make it clear with an extra picture)

- All food prep and preservation BBs strictly prohibit plastic, teflon or aluminum touching the food at any point