Well Jim, I'm in awe of your art form, you're inspiring whole groups of people with what you do, and the output sounds pretty prolific too.
And R. Ranson, what you may consider "making bad art until you're good at it", well, others may have a more positive point of view of what you do, we all have a different way we see art. I have seen a few of your attempts on the forums and love that you put it out there to encourage others, and a lot of it I'd give wall space. Art isn't a perfect science simply because we are so different in our likes and dislikes.
Keep it coming all of you, just goes to show how many different faces true art has, these forums showcase so many interesting talents, all forms of 'art'.
And Aleister, your attitude is just the best form of art :-)
My favourite art is in the garden and my seed collections, to me you can't beat art in nature, ever changing and always beautiful.