Beau M. Davidson

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since Dec 20, 2015
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Beau Micah Davidson is a permaculturist and natural builder, lo-tech mycologist, herb farmer, acoustical and audio engineer, homesteader, tradesman, artist, husband, and dad. Prior to homesteading and permaculture, his experience included a successful career in the Nashville music industry, a painters and fine finishers apprenticeship in Melbourne, Australia, and an analog recording studio in the urban core of Kansas City.  This is where he met his wife, Kristen, and together, they fell in love with soil & microbes, started a family, and moved to Beau's 6-generation farm in South Central Kansas, where they now specialize in growing and wildcrafting culinary and medicinal herbs, mushrooms, and woodland goods.  Beau and Kristen serve on the Leadership Team for Estuaries, a ministry seeking to incite a cultural ecology that fosters spiritually holistic, emotionally healthy, and intellectually rich believers who are capable of engaging meaningfully with culture.  He holds a B.S. in Recording Industry Management: Production & Technology, with minors in Mass Communications and Film.
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Recent posts by Beau M. Davidson

John Valdes wrote:What happened to the recording?  It says that it's not there when I try to watch the streaming version of it.  I have it in "My Stuff".  Thanks!

Having a look for you, John.  Thanks for calling it to our attention.
4 days ago

Tina Wolf wrote:I saw others search permies by using Google. Using the keyword "" tells google you want that included.

"" works better than just "".

Works to limit search to indicated domain.  Works with all domains.


I was almost irritated at myself for being so confused, it's a dovetail inside the post itself. The slot to slide it in on post B.
And the drainage channel, wouldn't have thought of that and then I'd've been sad when everything rotted.

Animation is extra not stupid, 10/10, thank you!

I have never before been called extra not stupid!  Yay!
3 weeks ago

Ash Jackson wrote:On rewatching, I appreciated the sounds and how the sequence added to my understanding, too.

What'd you use to make the animation?

Cool, yes, the sounds are my hand scribbling and the pen tapping, and the chickens clucking outside my window, sped up to 800%.

I think the sequence can be optimized, but I am glad to hear it played a part in communicating clearly.  Thanks for that.

Scribbled on remarkable 2, screen sharing to macbook, screen record with QT.  Make sense?  There are probably 87 fancier ways, but this was simple.  I didn't really think about it capturing sound, but I also didn't bother to mute it on export.  

(I'm not fishing for a second slice of pie, I just had more thoughts)

What kind of lure does one use when fishing for pie?
3 weeks ago
I am about to send this email to the folks who have access to this thread:

Free Stupid Added Bonus Thing.  (Does it suck?  Is it awesome?  Confusing or helpful?  You decide.)

Howdy!  Hope you're well.  This is Beau.

You should have received an email from Gir Bot (permies helper robot) yesterday with a link to 50 minutes of raw footage about the giant grape arbor I built at last year's Permaculture Technology Jamboree.  You probably haven't had a chance to watch it yet.  You may not even care 50-minutes-worth, and are satisfied to hold out for the feature-length Low Tech Lab film to be complete soonish.  That is all good!  I am not here in your inbox to twist your arm about that.  I am here in your inbox to twist your arm about another thing.

I made a stupid animation of the joinery for the giant grape arbor.  Far worse animation than our usual stuff that Andres cooks up.  But I yam what I yam, and it is what it is.

So I added the stupid animation to the thread for the arbor, here:

Since you own access to the thread already, probably because you backed the Kickstarter at $80 or more, you should now be able to see my stupid animation.

So I am here to twist your arm to, pretty please with cherries on top, watch my stupid animation, and drop a comment on the thread to tell me if it helps bring clarity to how we designed the joinery for the grape arbor.  Helpful?  Confusing?  Can't read my handwriting?  Ideas for ways to make the final version better?  I am all ears.  Well, and eyes.  Technically I have a nose too, and some other bits & bobs, but you know what I mean.

It is 1 minute and 49 seconds.  

I have a slice of PIE for the first 3 commenters.  

Thanks y'all!  

Much love,

3 weeks ago
Let me check with our resident experts in the dealing with the department of making people sad.  Hold tight.  I expect to have more info within 24 hours.
Leaning toward bootcache.

Somebody change my mind or forever hold your peace.