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presented by  Alan Booker

Executive Director of the Institute of Integrated Regenerative Design (http://i2rd.co)

Alan Booker covers, from a scientific basis, how a home heat paradigm inclusive of a Rocket Mass Heater can be carbon negative.  
Includes a full 133 minutes of presentation, along with a 49 page .pdf file of Alan's slides and data.

More about Alan Booker:

Alan graduated from Auburn University in Electrical Engineering with a focus on computer architecture and neural networks. He currently has over 25 years of experience as a systems engineer and systems architect working in digital telecommunications and large-scale computer systems.

As he gained experience in the industry throughout the 1990’s, Alan began to understand the long-term problems being created by modern design practices. In researching possible solutions, he became interested in Permaculture due to its holistic design approach and track record of creating workable solutions in a wide range of climates and ecosystems around the world.

Alan started studying Permaculture in 2002 and completed his PDC with Geoff Lawton in 2007. After several years of field experience and a variety of advanced training, Alan completed the Permaculture Teacher Training class with Geoff Lawton in 2012 and began to add Permaculture to the classes and workshops he was already teaching on community development, health and nutrition, and nature connection.

From early experiences learning edible and medicinal plants, Alan developed a love of being outdoors and observing natural systems. By his early twenties, he was teaching wilderness skills, survival, and other nature connection skills. Today, Alan uses this background to help students more deeply understand natural ecosystems in order to become better designers.

In addition to teaching the PDC, Alan also provides consulting and workshops on earthworks, soil remediation, composting, forest gardening, holistic management of pastureland, keyline design, aquaculture and aquaponics, off-grid energy systems, and natural building systems.

Alan is the founder and executive director of the Institute of Integrated Regenerative Design, which provides education and research in support of regenerative communities.

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Carbon Negative Mass Heaters - Alan Booker Webinar Recording and Slides
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Alan joined Paul recently for a discussion on carbon footprint. The second part of that podcast was released today!

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