Communities Directory features an extensive directory of intentional communities throughout the world. These communities include communes, ecovillages, student co-ops, spiritual or religious communities, co housing, and shared housing communities. You can browse by type of community, newest communities, or utilize the map view.
Click to explore their interactive directories map!
The search function is highly intuitive, making it easy to search for any community whether you just want to visit, are interested in joining and at what stage of development the community is in. The featured communities are members of FIC - verified by the Foundation for Intentional Communities as serious and trustworthy listings. Classifieds
You can also browse the classifieds, in which communities and individuals are actively searching for communities or new members.
Do you have a community? Listing is free and easy! List Your Community on
Community Directory Book also offers a printed version of their communities directory. The 600-pg book is the easiest and fastest way to find the community that is right for you! This is a great option if you prefer a tangible directory or have a slow internet connection.