Jenny Wright wrote:
Barbara Simoes wrote:
I have a huge problem with buttercup competing with the strawberries when I use the strawberries as ground cover. The buttercup does have a hard time getting into the daylilies so I will have to try it as a border.
Same problem. This fall I will try digging out all the buttercup and relocating a patch of daylily here. Thanks for the suggestion
Jay Angler wrote:Some sort of sunchoke dish?
Maieshe Ljin wrote:
Cris Fellows wrote:
My husband was tricked into eating- " Indian turnip", not sure if that is what it is actually called, but it had a delay then turned his mouth into a blast furnace.
Weeds I enjoy: chickweed, yarrow, nettle, lamb's quarters.
Growing a huge patch but have yet to try Japanese vegetable Fuki. (Pictured behind the tripod trellis frames)
I’m interested to hear about Fuki. What inspired you to grow them and how has the process been? Are you waiting for them to mature like rhubarb? There are some scattered but impressive of European butterbur growing by our river in the gravel bars and stream banks (biggest leaves I had ever seen!) and I’m considering trying to prepare them in the same way. It sounds as if they shouldn’t be significantly less edible.