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287 pages, full color Photos PDF format


Tony Wrench, the Roundhouse Master himself, brings us an in-depth look at building the low impact roundhouse from local natural materials. He covers it all from planning and hosting the build, to materials, to cutting and framing the walls and reciprocal roof, and finally turfing the living roof.

"Some people, as soon as they see or hear of roundhouses, want one. It is usually love at first sight. If you are one of those people, this is to show you in as simple terms as possible how to build a round den, a shelter or a roundhouse in the style that I have worked out. It is a certain kind of design, adapted over about fifteen years, which incorporates bits of Celtic, bits of First American, and ideas taken from permaculture and the natural building movement. I trust you will take this book as a guide, and end up building something that is definitely your style, because we are all different, and are building in different locations with varying materials.

In my previous book ' Building a Low Impact Roundhouse' I talk about how Faith and I came to various decisions in building the house we still live in. It is more of a story, although some brave souls have built houses using it as a guide - in the US, Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Russia, Alaska, Canada.... However, when I built our roundhouse I didn't actually know how to do it. I was making it up as I went along. I have had more practice now so this book is more of a 'How To’, although there is always a bit of a risk in advising anyone how to do anything.


Ebook Copy of A Simple Roundhouse Manual by Tony Wrench
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