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Entire Whole Earth Catalogue Available Online

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Location: Cedar River Watershed (Seattle, WA)
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[Hat tip to Cory Doctorow's blog Pluralistic.net Pluralistic.net.]

From the landing page: "Here lies a nearly-complete archive of Whole Earth publications, a series of journals and magazines descended from the Whole Earth Catalog, published by Stewart Brand and the POINT Foundation between 1970 and 2002. They are made available here for scholarship, education, and research purposes."


What's your favorite permaculture connection in this enormous heap?

I've only just scratched the surface, but mine is this 1966 book Geology Illustrated https://wholeearth.info/p/whole-earth-catalog-30th-anniversary-winter-1998?format=pages&index=10
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Location: Council, ID
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I love that they have consolidated everything into one base!

I just reread this article written by Gene Logsdon about how the Amish were managing the land crisis back in the late eighties. It had stuck with me because they have such a different way of looking at their costs and how integrated their structure was. It seems that permaculture reflects a lot of these ideas.
 This link only goes to the issue, the article, A Lesson for the Modern World - Amish Economics’ begins on page 75.


Is that a banana in your pocket? I'm just asking for this tiny ad:
FREE Perma Veggies Book! - Learn how to grow the most delicious and nutritious food with the least amount of work.
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