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The Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC) has over 35 years of partnership with hundreds of intentional communities around the world. This is a time when people need community.  When most of the world is isolated, you can find connection through the communities at IC.org.  FIC's mission is to "uplift, connect, and empower all those venturing to join, grow, and learn from intentional communities by serving as the resource hub for the intentional communities movement".

So what is an intentional community?  FIC defines an intentional community as a group of people who have chosen to live together or share resources on the basis of common values.  Different types of intentional communities that FIC recognizes include communes, ecovillage, cohousing, co-living, and even student coops.  FIC has a directory of over 1,000 different intentional communities.  You can also find resources, courses, events, and classifieds on IC.org.  For example, the IC.org bookstore features books that cover all aspects of community living.  You can keep up with relevant articles on their blog.  The Foundation for International Communities has also partnered with Skilly Media to create documentaries featuring intentional communities in the US.  

Related Links & Resources

Communities Directory

Communities Directory - Printed 7th Edition

The Intentional Communities Forum

Free Resources

Communities Bookstore

FIC's Blog

Intentional Communities Videos

Communities Classifieds

FIC Events

Previous Events

FIC offers On-Demand, Self-Paced Courses...

Starting a Community  Now Live

Finding Your Community Launches End of August

Intentional Community Basics  Rolling Admission - Open Now

...And Live 5 Week Courses

The Art of Facilitation for Cooperative Groups  - Starts September 13, 2022

Legal Basics for Forming Communities - Starts September 14, 2022

Consensus 101 for Cooperative Groups - Starts September 15, 2022

Working Constructively Through Conflict in Community - Starts October 25, 2022 Save $100 on October classes if you register by 10/09/2022

Aging Gracefully in Community - Starts October 26, 2022  Save $100 on October classes if you register by 10/09/2022

Designing a Community Memebership Process - Starts October 27, 2022  Save $100 on October classes if you register by 10/09/2022

Related Podcasts

The Inside Communities Podcast is hosted by Rebecca Mesritz.  She co-founded a community in Williams, Oregon and was there for 10 years.  Last summer, with the blessing of EVO, Rebecca and 3 other co-founders relocated to begin a new, mission- driven community and learning center housed on 160 acres of forest and farmland.  Rebecca is passionate about communal living and sees intentional community as a tool for both personal and cultural transformation.

Inside Communities Podcast

Inside Communities Podcast on Apple

Inside Communities on Spotify

Inside Communities on Google

Inside Communities on Stitcher

Become an FIC Member

Becoming an FIC member not only supports the intentional communities movement, but you also get access to all digital back issues of Communities Magazine, a 10% discount on FIC books, events, online courses, and more.

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Location: yakima valley, central washington, pacific northwest zone 6b
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IC.org and the Foundation for International Communities are having their End of Year Fundraiser.  Consider supporting this amazing resource!

Support IC.org Today!

In 2022 they supported:
  • 500,000 people looking for communities in our directory
  • 700 learners on our online courses
  • 5,350 event participants
  • $22,400 scholarships
  • 215 publishing their classified ads
  • 450 FIC members
  • 16,000 listeners to the Inside Community Podcast
  • 1,000 people in our Intentional Community Discussion Forum
  • 7 new projects in our fiscal sponsorship program (5 of which are BIPOC or mixed-race led)
  • $4,000 donations to the BIPOC Intentional Communities Council.

  • Support IC.org Today!
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    Thank you for this excellent post!
    Posts: 79
    Location: Linton Bay Marina, Panama
    tiny house building woodworking
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    Anyone looking to start a community in Panama and or Costa Rica.
    I'm THIS CLOSE to ruling the world! Right after reading this tiny ad:
    Botany Bonanza Bundle by Thomal Elpel
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