Can anyone tell me if the resultant compost can be used in an organic setting? I'm going to be living on an organic farm and right now there are pretty strict codes with being certified organic and using any kind of humanure compost on vegetable gardens in our area (bc Canada). But even for using the compost on ornamentals, would there be any kind of cross contamination through the ground water etc that would affect the organic status?
I believe that this depends a lot on whether it was properly composted. The sources I have seen recommend a 2 year minimum. Many of the pathogens that could be in the 'product' cannot live for long without a host, although some could be more persistent.
For organic produce, I would NOT use this. (Even if it were 'legal', just the thought of it would scare away many customers.) However, I see nothing wrong with using it to produce green manures, which will eventually be incorporated into the soils.
As far as contaminating the ground water, this should be treated as any other manure. If used at a rate greater than the plants/soil life can use, yes, this could eventually work its way into the ground water. I think that this is a matter of scale: one person, living on several acres should not be a problem, but if you have a dozen people 'contributing' to a
city lot, you could easily overwhelm the system.
The health of the people is also something to be considered. Healthy people will still have dangerous pathogens, but their immune systems keep them from becoming ill. Unhealthy people will have more pathogens, but more importantly, they may be taking antibiotics, or other medicines. These medicines can actually do more harm to your soil than the pathogens. Most of our pathogens require a human host (or other mammal) to survive. The medicines are indiscriminate: they will also kill, or compromise many of your soil 'critters'.
I don't know the legalities of using it in certified organic operations, but I doubt that any certifying organization would approve it for food crops. And, I feel that 99% of your customers would highly disapprove.