Joel Flynn

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since Sep 15, 2020
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Recent posts by Joel Flynn

If I could kick one I totally would. Although I'm not sure my leg and foot are tough enough to punt the jerkaroonies to the moon, sadly.

Tx for the reply;)

I'm building a 20x40 greenhouse attached to the south side of my house. Trying to figure out how I can incorporate one of these bad boys. It would be most convenient if I could somehow work it in to the front (to be built) stone/concrete front steps which will be about 5 feet high to the front door, inside the greenhouse.
It will be fully insulated to 4 seasons in chilly Canada. With a full glazed South wall in the front.

I'm going to see if I can attach a pic. My tech-ability could be much improved.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciado!
3 years ago
Good Day folks!

Any chance someone might be able to help me purchase the 'greenhouse rocket mass heater design' or the 'everything' combo which I think includes it?  I'm a Canadian.

3 years ago