John Redman

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since Jan 24, 2011
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Recent posts by John Redman

Maypop is another one the hummingbirds like.

Check out the "similar threads" box at the bottom of this page.
Katherine, Lantana is my most productive butterfly attractant. Zinnia has been popular in my yard this year. For height, mexican sunflower seem to be a hit for butterfly's and I'm pretty sure I seen a couple humming birds checking them out a few days ago. Butterfly weed also. Hopefully some of these will grow in your zone.
That pig was lucky you had just gotten your nails done... Lol
10 years ago
The day Paul posted this thread, he posted several others. They all were ideas or projects he would like to see being done right now on his farm. Your ideas and pictures would fit better in the thread I posted above. Or you could always start a new thread in the round wood and timber framing forum. I personal would love to see your work posted over there.
10 years ago
10 years ago
I think Paul was just making a statement. Sort of like; I have the tools, I have the wood, I need someone building furniture! . He had requested a roundwood furniture thread awhile back, you can take a look or post pictures and ideals over there.

10 years ago
Is that the same machete that's sharper on the back then it is on the cuting edge? I guess i should say it's reversible. Lol
10 years ago
Great pics, it looks like wonderful weather for working.
10 years ago