Lisa Allen

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since Mar 25, 2011
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Timing Expert! Astrologer, Herbalist, Author, & Energy Healer.
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Southern CA USA
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Recent posts by Lisa Allen

Working on it, thank you Paul. I'll have some questions about food since I cannot have grains, legumes or sugars. Most of the time things work out, but I want to be prepared. I saw I might need to bring my own items, which is fine. Details can be worked out! 💯😎🍂
6 months ago
Interestingly, life circumstances have now made me available. I'll be moving out of Los Angeles and putting my stuff in storage in San Diego and on my way to Montana sooner than later. I'm a trained herbalist and I can cook and crochet (and sewing, even darning, when needed). I hope these skills can translate to your homestead Paul and Company 🍁🍂🍁 If I am not accepted for whatever reason, I'll be in Emigrant (South of Livingston which is East of Bozeman) for the winter in any case! 🙏🙏🙏
6 months ago
If any of you in Montana are interested, one of my friends in Eureka is (considered by me) a master dyer with plants and natural sources! <3
1 year ago
Okay, we love roasted chicory root (which tastes kind of nutty - remember the coffee Chock Full of Nuts, of which was part coffee, part chicory)!

BUT - try roasted dandelion root!!  Where chicory root has more of a nut flavor, dandelion root has more of a cocoa flavor (at least to me!)  And, dandelions grow all over even where chicory doesn't grow.

There are other many wonderful coffee substitutes, but roasted dandelion ranks up there!  Just google how to do it, or you can buy it <3
1 year ago

Sarah Elizabeth wrote:If you are going completely plant based, you can start from the inside of the body.  Eating tomatoes can reduce the negative effects of UV on the skin and therefore skin damage from sun exposure.  This knowledge has long been known in Mediterranean cultures and of course, tomatoes grow so well in that climate.  

Here's the science:

Eating Tomato Protects Skin.  

There are other plants to eat that can help.  I've seen carrots talked about and also lemons.

The most effective and pleasant external plant-based sunscreen I have used is organic shea butter but I did purchase it. It is about 4% protection.  

Indeed, actually I believe this is even better if you eat lots of organic berries, the darker the better (think blueberries).  I had forgotten to mention that!
2 years ago

Ozge Ba wrote:

Lisa Allen wrote:Even plain olive or coconut oil have an SPF of on average 7.5 or 8 although it can be as low as 2.  Experiment.

You could infuse St. John's Wort flowers or Calendula flowers to add to the SPF, making it around double that.  Hope this helps <3

St.John's Wort flowers infused in olive oil is a healing mix for scars but it may leave permanent stains on your skin under direct sunlight, especially in warm climates.

I have actually made my own St. John's Wort in olive oil (I would spray a bit of vodka on the fresh plant before I put it in the oil to help it not mold), and I have used a purchased one from an herbal store.  Both times I never got sunburned, and I never got stained either, so that has not been my experience.
2 years ago
Even plain olive or coconut oil have an SPF of on average 7.5 or 8 although it can be as low as 2.  Experiment.

You could infuse St. John's Wort flowers or Calendula flowers to add to the SPF, making it around double that.  Hope this helps <3
2 years ago
I've seen many authors use to do their giveaways, it's like a sweepstakes. You ask online entrants to do social proof by following your page, signing up for email newsletter, follow on Twitter, etcetera. You can assign how many points you want to give each activity. Then it does the drawing!
@r ramson - Yes they do, or at least did. I have one! I don't use it as a cell phone though, but it has capability.  It's a Samsung. Perhaps it can be sold? It's about 2 years old and still works. Reply or private message me if this interests you!
4 years ago