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The Official Paul Stamets Thread

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Paul Stamets is the founder and president of Fungi Perfecti and has been a mycology enthusiast for over 40 years.

Over this time, he has discovered a bunch of new species of mushrooms, and developed loads of techniques in the field of mushroom cultivation.

Paul as a youngin':


He is the author of probably the most popular book in mycology right now, Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World. He has also written several other books which you can see a list of in the bottom of this thread.

In addition to his books, Paul has written countless articles, my favorite being Some Unusual and Interesting Facts About Mushrooms. You can read all of his other articles here.

I am personally a huge fan of his mushroom time lapse videos:

But he has tons of other amazing videos as well:

Lion's Mane:

Found in California: Hypholoma fasciculare, Ganoderma applanatum & Pluteus cervinus:

You can read tons more about Paul in a pretty extensive bio here.


Here is his most recent talk on How Mushrooms Can Save Bees and Our Food Supply:

Here is a list of all of his books:
Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms
The Mushroom Cultivator
MycoMedicinals: An Informational Treatise on Mushrooms

Here he is holding Fomitopsis officinalis:


Oh and then there's this picture of him looking like a mushroom god of some sort.

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Nice job, Cassie. All things Stamets in one location. He is one of my heroes.
John S
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Paul (Wheaton) has stated on the podcast and daily-ish emails that he's mad at Paul (Stamets). I don't recall him ever saying why?

So curious. I wonder if it has something to do with cardboard. I am fascinated when people who are working in good faith and have so much in common find things to disagree about- it can be very instructive.

I don't wish to pick at wounds so mods please delete if this is inappropriate.

John Suavecito
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I am going to try to explain why. Someone else who knows better has all my permission to give more details or correct.

Paul Stamets and Paul Wheaton were going to work together on a big project. Paul Wheaton did a whole bunch of work and investment on things they had agreed on. After awhile, Paul Stamets had one of his assistants tell Paul Wheaton that they were not going to be able to make it work. PW did a whole bunch of work and investment on what ended up as nothing, and PS didn't work it out with him and didn't even tell him directly, which obviously leave a bad taste in PW's mouth. He still hasn't worked it out with him, as far as I know. Correct me if I have something wrong.
John S
John Suavecito
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Sorry. I just found out that PW himself explained in another thread, today I think. It was about one of the forums that was going to be set up, but basically, what I said was true as far as I know.
John S
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John Saltveit wrote:Sorry. I just found out that PW himself explained in another thread, today I think. It was about one of the forums that was going to be set up, but basically, what I said was true as far as I know.

He did? Because I was wondering also, after hearing a cryptic reference in an old podcast.

But I just did a forum search on "Stamets" and there isn't a post in the first page of results (dating back to 10/1) by Paul Wheaton. So if he has explained, it wasn't in a public place in the last three and a half months.

Don't apologize. Like I say I was wondering, and your explanation is the best one available, apparently.
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I'm having big health issues with my stomach..I have gastroparesis and it seems to be getting worse..Im also a diabetic and have to eat, so the food sits in my stomach for a long time and then I get what they call Dumping..Im 71 and feel so bad everyday..I have other health issues also and the inflammation makes my whole body hurt..I did purchase The Host Defense My Community and have been taking it for 3 weeks, but I feel it's a bit to much for me..Is there anyway I can get in touch with Mr. Stamens to find out what to take so I can start feeling better..Thanks
John Suavecito
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Paul Stamets doesn't own this site.  Paul Wheaton does.  Different Paul.  I would bet that Paul Stamets doesn't monitor this site.  You are unlikely to get Paul Stamets, as he is busy and famous, but if you want to contact someone with the company, you would do better to work with his company. fungi.com  .
John S
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