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Original Cover:
Cover of Revised Edition:

Source: Permanent Publications

Publisher: Rocky Mountain Research Center


This book shows you how to: Inexpensively store warm summer sunshine for heating all winter.

Where to get it?

1st Edition (1983):

Revised Edition (2013):


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I give this book 9 out of 10 acorns. This book's subject was uncharted territory when first published and deserves recognition for its pioneer status. The ideas and techniques presented in the book probably seemed outlandish and impractical at the time, but the world seems to be slowly catching up to what the author was trying to convey. I think this book is an excellent companion to Mike Oehler's "The $50 and Up Underground House Book", and succeeds in providing an alternative for people who think Mike Oehler's homes are just a little too "down to earth".
The information regarding earth tubes for ventilation, and the design and installation of an umbrella are invaluable for anyone contemplating earth-sheltered structures. The science of thermal mass and the process by which soil transfers heat is clearly and comprehensively laid out in easy to understand language.
I have a root cellar that was inspired by this book with earth tubes wrapped around it, and this fall I'm hoping to finally complete the insulated umbrella installation so that we no longer need a refrigerator/cooler during the summer months.
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Don Stephens on PAHS, AGS, etc.:

I recommend perusal:


On Don Stephens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Stephens

I really like John Hait's PAHS book - I now have the second edition, and hope to incorporate PAHS into a near-future house.

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I give this book 8 out of 10 acorns. It is a really good book on a not super researched topic. Earth sheltered houses are not super common but John Hait's book goes another level discussing how to stay cool in winter and warm in summer. I learned a lot from this book. The only reason I took of two acorns is because it is a very labor intensive building method in order to achieve this. Also, I would have like a bit more actual examples of where this has been implemented and worked. I do think the book is excellent overall and a very interesting subject. Lots of detail and good explanations.
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