Karen McVause wrote:We are putting the money we are saving for land into gold and silver.
We think it is a safer store of value than a savings account at the bank.
It took us a while to figure out how we wanted to buy the metal.
I didn't want to do it long distance and I wanted the metal in my hand.
DOH we finally hit on a small pawn shop in our area that specializes
in buying/selling metal and has for decades. It is fun to make a trip
every 4-6 weeks and figure out what we can get for the dollars we
put back.
Erik Ven wrote:Hello,
I have built a few of these, but this one is my favorite.
It was an experimental project made of soup cans, rocks and earth (no cement, or added clay) and an old barrel I had found at an abandoned mining site. This winter is the second winter I am using it and it works great.
I might catch some flack for breaking with some traditional rules, (like the short side of the J chamber is not vertical but angled, being too close to the wall etc.) but it's okay. I would really like to know what people think even if some may not see this as a good way to build.
There is one thing I have done differently in the second iteration of this design: the four tunnels create a large enough heat transfer surface so that practically all the heat is extracted from the exhaust gases. Therefore, by the time they hit the external chimney, they are cold and don't create an appropriate updraft. Because of this I needed to stick an exhaust fan on the top of the chimney to create the necessary airflow when there is no wind. When it's windy, it purrs like a big cat even without the fan . So what I have changed in the second one was that I built three tunnels instead of four, to extract less heat.
I live in the middle of the Mojave so I doubt that people would want to drive all the way out here just to see it, but who knows... Plus I'll be happy to share info if anyone is interested.
here is the link to the pics:
Susan Brill wrote:Kathleen Sanders – I’m curious to know why you listed vitiligo in your family - do you consider that an autoimmune condition? I have vitiligo, which caused me a lot of embarrassment and emotional issues as a child, but doctors always acted like it was just a cosmetic issue and nothing to do about it. As an adult, I have had Lyme disease and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia - with chronic fatigue symptoms. It’s extremely debilitating and I have not been able to work, except very part time, for about eight years. I am wondering if vitiligo is a marker or early warning of autoimmune illness? I’m Interested to know any knowledge you have about this… i’m 58 so it was 30 and 40 years ago that I was looking into causes. At that time they said it could be caused by shock or a trauma, it could be a vitamin B deficiency (or evidence that your body does not properly make use of vitamin B), or hereditary. I am very fair skinned so if I simply remain out of the sun, the vitiligo is subtle. But when I was a child playing outdoors I would tan nicely where I had pigment but had very large “albino” splotches all over my feet, up my legs legs and on my stomach that are (mostly) symmetrical on my body. I also developed melanoma skin cancer 10 years ago, likely from so many terrible childhood sunburns - without pigment more susceptible to the radiation perhaps.
Susan Brill wrote:
Paul Canosa wrote:An old friend from High School was diagnosed with MS about 5 years ago. She decided to change her life and went on an AIP diet, to nobodies surprise she is still as energetic as ever. She even got a dog to go for walks to stay fit.
Its a daily struggle but she made me a believer
That’s good advice, thank you. I am familiar with that – I went through natural cancer treatment program when I had melanoma skin cancer and the regimen was a similar diet as well as other lifestyle changes. With all of my fatigue and emotional exhaustion as well as physical, I let go of a lot of those good lifestyle habits. Too tired to care and it was just so hard to have discipline when I could barely think and function! However… I have been realizing that I need to go back onto the anti-cancer life and diet. I had a new spot appear that could be another type of melanoma ( Seeing doctor tomorrow). Maybe it will reset other areas of life and energy…