Are you excited to start earning your PEP Badges? I know I am.
Are you daunted by the idea of keeping track of over 200 different Sand Badge Bits (BB's)? Yikes. Me too. Not to mention Straw, Wood, and Iron.
That's why I created My PEP Badge Tracker. I needed a way to track my own progress with the PEP Badges. I love it so much, I want to share it with you.
For just $1 per badge, "My PEP Badge Tracker" is yours. ($88).
Have a quick look: (Trello - Your Journey is Underway!)
(Workflowy - Your Journey is Underway!)
So... What is it?
It's all the PEP Badge Details, entered into two powerful To-Do / Project Management apps: Trello and Workflowy. They're Powerful, Popular, and (P)FREE.
As an extra bonus, I made a simple PDF with hyperlinks for all you ultra-minimalists out there.
Trello and Workflowy, I've found, are awesome tools to keep track of hundreds or thousands of "Things-I-Gotta-Do." (That's a li'l technical project management jargon for y'all). They are my favorite systems.
I've also created a default workflow for you. It will help you prioritize and focus on the badges you are currently pursuing. (You can change this if you wish)
Ready to Buy it Now?
My PEP Badge Tracker: An easier way to track your PEP Badge Progress
"My PEP Badge Tracker"
All Sand Badges, with all Sand Badge Bits, and links to all their forum threads.
All three formats: Trello, Workflowy, and a simple PDF with hyperlinks.
Straw, Wood, and Iron badges to be added as they are finalized.
Have a closer look: "My PEP Badge Tracker" in Trello:
(Trello - Your Journey has just Begun)
(Trello - Your Journey is Underway!)
(Trello - The Details of a Badge)
(Trello - A Badge Almost Complete!)
Have another look: "My PEP Badge Tracker" in Workflowy:
(Workflowy - Your Journey has just Begun)
(Workflowy - Your Journey is Underway!)
(Workflowy - The Details of a Badge)
(Workflowy - A Badge Almost Complete!)
Have one last look: "My PEP Badge Tracker" in PDF:
(PDF - The Hyperlinks take you to Permies!)
Ok. What's in 'em?
Every Badge is a Big To-Do Item.
Every BB is listed within its Badge as a checklist item that can be checked off.
Every BB has the link to the thread where you go get info about it, and get the BB certified.
Every Badge has a link back to the Badge Wiki, where you go get the Badge certified
A default Workflow for your Badges, progressing from:
- Badges to Start!
- Badge Begun, Work on BB's!
- Just... One... More... BB!
- BB's Complete, Apply for Badge!
- Badge Received! Start Another!
Tags for Badge Levels, as well as tags for feasibility, (ex. "I can do this at home now"" or "I'll have to go to Wheaton Labs to do this!")
All Badges and all Badge Bits (BBs)
Cool. What's the quick How-To?
In either Trello or Workflowy, a badge you're pursuing will move through the workflow.
You do this by clicking and dragging on the badge to put it in the correct category (ex. "Gardening" badge into "Badge Begun, Work on BB's!")
As you finish BB's, you check them off the list.
You also copy the links to your certified BB's into the cards, so you have them all in one place when it's time to certify the badge.
Both tools and the workflow help you zoom to prioritize which badges you'll pursue, and to focus on your work in progress.
Both systems have the same tags. In both systems, tags let you filter things, to further focus on what's going on, or what comes next.
The Workflow, the Names of the Workflow, and the Tags are completely customizable. It's just text. You want to change the name? Type in a new name. It's that easy.
Both Trello and Workflowy have gorgeous mobile apps.
I didn't make Trello. Or Workflowy. I definitely didn't make PEP. I just took these tools that I already use everyday so I could track my PEP Badge progress. Now I'm sharing it, so you can, too. If neither Trello nor Workflowy nor PEP is the right tool for you, that's ok.
I'm also not affiliated in any way with Trello or Workflowy. I don't make money by your signing up to use Trello or Workflowy.
Thank you, Erica, welcome to the club!
Trello and Workflowy are powerful tools, but I've deliberately limited what's going on to try to make it an easier beginning.
Once you're in your preferred tool, let me know if it's not doing something you want it to. The answer is usually "yes."
Thank you, Mike. And thanks, too, for the suggestion. I'll take it.
They both now have a separate step for a badge that's been submitted, but awaiting approval. Now you can set your 24-hr reminder clock in Trello if the badge isn't approved by then
FYI: in both tools, making that kind of change is as simple as two mouse-clicks and typing the name of that header. No coding required! (no part of either of the tools required coding on my part)
After writing out 4 sand badge requirements I came across the PEP tracker, what a great idea. Maybe there should be a techno badge for learning how to use trello, post pictures of completed units and how to edit a 2 minute video to show completion of badges. I am now a proud owner of the PEP tracker and my first ever post on permies
Lee, I am using the "hide the completed BB " feature to hide the BBs I am Not working on to finish the badge. In a big list of 8 to 16 items to choose from I pick the 4 I want to work on and hide the rest that way I am not fighting through BBs that will not be applied to the badge. Otherwise the tracker is easy to use and a good one stop location for all BBs.
Hi Michael,
It's currently just sand badges, but across all 22 aspects. I'm waiting until the sand and wood level badges are fully solidified before I begin to add the higher level badges.
When I have updates, I'll message the people who've bought the tracker, to help them get the new info. So far I've done one round of updates to just the sand badges.
Thanks for doing this Ash! I got your tracker as a reward from the latest kickstarter for the greenhouse and just started using it today. I can see where this will be quite handy for keeping track of things. I've only done a few BBs so far and already was feeling like I was going to get lost with tracking them! This is a nice solution.
Ash Jackson wrote:Thank you, David! I'm so glad to hear it's working for you.
Let me know if you discover there's something you want the tracker to do for you. I'm keen to keep improving it.
Happy PEP-ing!
The one thing I did discover is that since it basically just has the sand badges at this point and I have done a couple BBs which are farther along into straw and wood (in the metalworking area) I wanted a way to record the links to the ones I did so I didn't forget. I just made an extra card for myself to record these on. Not a big deal, but it might be handy for others if you had card premade for catch all recording of BBs done beyond the sand badge level since I suspect it will be a while before the whole PEP thing gets fully fleshed out.
Hi David,
You're 100% correct. It's hard to track the higher level BB's until they're written and finalized.
I'm hoping the last final touches for Straw, Wood, and Iron are published soon. Once that is done, I plan to start rolling out updates for the PEP badge tracker, one level at a time.
The PEP Badge Tracker is done, and so is the 2023 Skip event. That means the PEP badge tracker will be returning to its as-always-intended full price of $1 per badge, or $88.
Thanks to all who jumped on the bandwagon early! Everyone who comes later, keep an eye on this thread... I've been known to run some sales from time to time...
The Trello site says:
"You can't join this Workspace
The invitation link may have been disabled or this free Workspace may have reached the 10 collaborator limit. Try contacting the person who sent you the link for more info."
and the Workflowy says, AFTER I click "Add to account" (that's the closest thing I saw to "add to my workflowy"): "(removed by owner)." In other words, it disappears.
So, only the 4 PDFs can be accessed (sand, straw, wood, and iron).
Edit: When I clicked on "home" for Workflowy, the PEP badge tracker now shows up, so I did a strike-through through that part of my post. So I guess I am fine, and you can ignore this post.
I do appreciate all the work you put into making this.