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Paul meets with Fred Tyler, Josiah Kobernik, Jen Richardson and other residents of wheaton labs to work on the design to turn allerton abbey into a one acre permaculture paradise.

They discuss the reasons for choosing one acre as the ideal size to set up a system, and the work involved in building a junkpole fence to protect the area to allow a garden to be grown. Paul considers that starting with more than one acre is too challenging but anticipates that many 'Gerts' will end up with two or three acres. Decisions need to be taken on the placement of a pond, the wofati greenhouse with year-round greywater handling, the access road, the chateau de poo, the hugelcultures and a bermshed to put bicycles, tools etc. in.

Paul is keen to use an iterative design, which is allowed to evolve and change as it is implemented. Once main elements are incorporated, it is important for other elements to fit around discoveries such as the presence of rock or clay. Don't marry the original design.

He wants to work with the slope of the land and use the access road to help feed water from a drainage ditch into the pond. They discuss how to align the hugelcultures both for improved view and to prevent frost pockets. They consider the use of season extenders over the WOFATI. Paul speculates that future WOFATI would be built over more of a slope which would provide more earth for covering, and would be oriented to allow for a more passive solar design.

Relevant Threads

  Allerton Abbey basemap
  the first wofati - allerton abbey- version 0.7
  Josiah’s Bootcamp Log
  Jen’s Boot Camp and Allerton Abbey Experience

  Bed position: North/south? east/west?

  Wikipidia article on iterative design
  are there currently millions of permaculture millionaires? (the story of Gert)

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This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Wade Luger
Jocelyn Campbell
thomas adams
Chris Sugg
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Kyle Neath
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Lisa Goodspeed
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Sean Benedict
Dana Martin
Rita Bliden
Greg Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Ruwan Nanayakkara
Polly Jayne Smyth
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and work all day. Tiny lumberjack ad:

World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set. Gardening with an excavator.

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