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Summary prepared by Marianne Cooper
Paul begins with a brief discussion about the
rose order and the massive rose sub-class. They continue to discuss all of the sub classes which include most fruits, legumes and some berries & nuts. The similarities in the bloom, for example, of the strawberry and the antique roses as well as shared diseases such as fire blight.
Paul admits to his issue with shaking or stick harvesting(beating) trees to release the fruits as a personal attach on these innocent plants. Further discussion regarding thorn-cane fruits and the destruction that occurs when hand harvesting and breaking limbs that become stuck in clothing allowed Paul to reconsider.
Paul notes the available dried fruit on many berry shrubs in the winter as a wonderful source of food as well as ease of propagation.
They move to stonecrops as well as under story acid loving ornamentals like coral bells. They discuss cyanide found in some fruit seeds and it’s toxic characteristics if not cooked.
The complete 11 parts podcast bundle is available in the Digital Market at Permies.
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Botany in a Day thread at Permies
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