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Julia Winter wrote:... marveled at the effort I put into making my own sausage. Why bother? Of course, once they had some of my lamb/pork sausage with crystallized ginger, dried apricot and cranberries they got a small clue.
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Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:And just so folks know: when I said "magnolia" I meant "madrona!" Sheesh.
I have a blog that covers Permaculture, Paleo recipes, gardening, food preservation and whatever catches my fancy. http://www.ranchoseabowpermaculture.com
I have a blog that covers Permaculture, Paleo recipes, gardening, food preservation and whatever catches my fancy. http://www.ranchoseabowpermaculture.com
Alex Ojeda wrote:Great Podcast as usual! What I would be interested in going to would be a restaurant that is serving Permaculture Grown food in recipes that date back 200 years and more. I'd LOVE to be able to go to a restaurant and order anything on the menu. As it is, I can't go out and order anything with confidence. I can't be excited about Toxic and Deficient veggies, anything fried in GMO vegetable oil or anything that contains a GMO fed animal product. It's a shame.
I didn't hear in the podcast, but was this food organically grown at the very least?
I am very interested in the idea that the people knew the names of the guests and treated them all like VIPs, but that's also a bit creepy to me. Am I being paranoid?
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Julia Winter wrote:
The lamb sausage recipe came from the Cole Ward butchering DVD, which I highly recommend.
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
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Alex Ojeda wrote:Great Podcast as usual! What I would be interested in going to would be a restaurant that is serving Permaculture Grown food in recipes that date back 200 years and more. I'd LOVE to be able to go to a restaurant and order anything on the menu.
Alex Ojeda wrote:I didn't hear in the podcast, but was this food organically grown at the very least?
Alex Ojeda wrote:I am very interested in the idea that the people knew the names of the guests and treated them all like VIPs, but that's also a bit creepy to me. Am I being paranoid?
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Adrien Lapointe wrote:
That story reminded me of this restaurant in Northwestern Sweden where they only sit 12 people and, if I remember correctly, serve only food that was harvested on the premise or in the area.
Here is the link to the article
The chef, Magnus Nilsson, also has a book called Fäviken that is available here:
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
Jocelyn Campbell wrote: Great story, Adrien--and yes, it does sound similar. Ah, the joy of stellar food!
Adrien Lapointe wrote:The podcast is now available to everybody. Enjoy!
P.S.: I am now opening Paul's show. On my way to stardom!
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Check out Redhawk's soil series: https://permies.com/wiki/redhawk-soil
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Julia Winter wrote:For Douglas Fir tea (or spruce tea, which is pretty much the same thing) you want just the bright green soft juicy new growth. The needles are short, so you're including the structure that holds them all together. I'm loathe to call that a twig, because it is not woody.
The point is that these evergreens put out new growth, full of nutrition like vitamin C, sooner than almost anything else. In that way they are like dandelions--something to get you rejuvenated after eating through all your stored food in the winter time.
Spruce tips make a syrup that is sour (and then sweet because you added sweetener like sugar or honey). I haven't tried freezing it into sorbet--I made beverages.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms - jocelyncampbell.com
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