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This is the audio for Paul's keynote presentation at Permaculture Voices 2014.

He starts the presentation by talking about what he has done: the rocket mass heater dvd , the cards, the world domination gardening dvd. He then gives a bit of background on what has happened at the wheaton laboratories.

He then moves on to talk about how as a software engineer he has a unique perspective on permaculture. Paul talks about how he has two online communities, one about software engineering (code ranch) and the other, well, about permaculture (permies). He goes on and explains that problem seldom happen at code ranch whereas there is ick every other day at permies.

He then goes on about how permaculturist face self hatred as well as corporate trolls.

Paul explains that he thinks there are not more prominent women in permaculture because good hearted people don't want anything to do with all the hate there is.

He ends his talk by saying that if we want to increase the velocity of permaculture, we have to embrace the concept that there are many artisans and many schools of thoughts.

The video recording of the presentation is available on the permaculture voices website.

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To support production of these podcasts, make a donation here at Paul's Patreon page.

You can find Paul's Rocket Mass Heater DVDs HERE.

This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Lisa Goodspeed
Keith Kuhnsman
thomas adams
Jocelyn Campbell
Julia Mason
Dominic Crolius
Josh Phillips
wade L
Suleiman ALAQEL
Ash Jackson is The Scrollbard
Jason Hower
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Miroslav Ultrama
James Tutor
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Enough of the big wood medals...when you said you would like to talk to Mark Shepherd, but you need to read the book first, I bought the book and read it(just to keep up)...then I heard you say it again on another podcast...take a day off, it is a quick read;-)

I have listened to all of the free podcasts and the Paul's politics podcast and really crave just one more...and a way to get rid of bindweed!!!

Thanks for all you do, big kind sir...
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Victor, I believe Paul describes a way to get rid of bindweed in one of the podcasts. I forget which one though.
Victor Scott
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That is the funny part;-) I have been trying that pull daily for 30 days thing for, well this will be the third year...I always end up missing a day or two about 2 weeks in and have to start over...if only it was edible...lol...I'm leaning towards sheet mulching again...what say you?

Thanks for the response, sorry this isn't maybe in the correct forum;-)
Adrien Lapointe
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not sure, I never had to deal with bindweed and the only thing I heard was that program Paul described to get rid of.
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Victor Scott wrote: ...
I have listened to all of the free podcasts and the Paul's politics podcast and really crave just one more...and a way to get rid of bindweed!!!

For future reference, Paul discusses bindweed in this article http://www.richsoil.com/lawn-care.jsp. He does say it's more challenging than most.
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What I really liked from this podcast was what Paul said about respecting people who have tried and done something! And the stuff about science and white papers reminded me a lot about the Geoff Lawton podcast earlier, in which he talked about how all the scientists and engineers said "it's impossible!" and then, Geoff did it and made the desert green and lush and productive! That's kind of why I am not doing academia any further, because I would much rather DO STUFF and prove my stuff by doing than driving myself silly reading and writing white papers. And I also very much find the whole white paper stuff a little ridiculous, too, how "oh that's impossible until there's a white paper saying ti can be done."
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