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Podcast Listening Tracker - okay to share?

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Location: Miami, 11a, Am, apartment dweller
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I've made a listening-tracker for myself. Just trello cards with the numbers & names of each podcast.

I thought I'd share my tracker in case anyone else would want this, too.

Would such a text-list of the podcast titles/names be something that is okay to share beyond those who've bought the various Gobs? (I'm assuming yes, since it's posted in text-form elsewhere)
Would such a text-list of the podcast titles/names be okay for me to sell?  (this I'm much less sure about, both permissibility and whether anyone would actually pay for it)
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Location: Moved from south central WI to Portland, OR
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I say go for it. Don't know if there's a market for it, you won't know until you try.
Ash Jackson
Posts: 1322
Location: Miami, 11a, Am, apartment dweller
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