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part 2 of a 3 part podcast.

Paul, Samantha, Steven and Des continue to discuss "normie to permie"

They mention the quality of life at Wheaton labs vs other places.  A common complaint is excessive laundry soap odors.  Paul nowadays finds it hard to leave, as other places are so much nastier.

Steven notes that some younger people can't handle the whole labs experience when they visit.  Paul says the lab is mostly Wheaton eco scale 5 which can be overwhelming to level 0 or 1 people.  Des comments that change takes time.  Paul, ironically, hasn't got time to make videos for youtube about stuff at the labs.

Paul says people on the internet hate on permies:  people who go there are obviously idiots for spending 2 years at boot camp to get an acre.  
"land in Montana only costs $1000 an acre, so why would you work 2 years for that?  You could just get a job for $40 an hour and buy land"
There are 2 points: First, to buy just 1 acre you'd pay more like $50K  Land is only $1K an acre if you buy 20,000 acres.
Second, boot camp is like going to permie college - you go there for 2 years to learn.  People also scorn others for going to regular college.

Steven says that millions of people are trapped in worky jobs doing the same shit every day because they simply don't know there's any other way to live. By contrast at the labs he gets to do different stuff every day and sees the results of that work immediately.  Des says that coming to the lab was the smartest thing he's done.

Steven and Des agree that the deal at Wheaton labs is extremely generous: you can come there, stay as long as you want in return for a modest amount of work.  For someone looking to transition to permie, it's unbeatable in their opinion.  Paul realizes that his standards might be putting people off, but he'd rather be there alone than, for example, allow smoking.  Des says the clean air is the biggest attraction for him.  He also says he could never earn $40 an hour in a worky job.

Relevant Threads

Wheaton Labs forum

Bootcamp website
Dez's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)
SEPP to Boot: Stephen's Experience (BRK)

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This podcast was made possible thanks to:

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Eric Tolbert
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Polly Jayne Smyth
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