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Paul Wheaton and Mike Haasl have been developing the PEP badges as part of the SKills to Inherit Property initiative.

But first they talk about the conoravirus situation. Paul suspects that there may be 2 000 000 people already infected in the US but that only around 5% will need hospital treatment. They talk about the need slow the spread so that hospitals are not overwhelmed. Reduced travel has had a large and positive impact environmentally and people are learning to grow food plants from home.

The jamboree has been cancelled but many of the projects will be continued in the bootcamp. PEP is now back in the saddle. It is a community effort and volunteers are needed - please contact Mike Haasl. The program itself will always be free but Paul is considering running a kickstarter to fund a book for it. There are four levels for each badge, each comprising several badge bits. The main requirements for the PEP gardening badges are as follows.

The sand badge has three BBs -

build a 6 ft long hugelculture.
chop and drop to mulch 50 sq ft.
Ruth Stout style composting.

The straw badge requirements include -

save seed from 4 species.
encourage volunteer or wild plants
grow, harvest and preserve 100 000 calories.
build a 12 ft long hugelculture
direct seed perennials, no imports from more than 500 ft away

The wood badge requires -

produce a million calories from 30 species, half with no irrigation
build a 24 ft long hugelculture
build a quarter acre food forest
grow perennials from seed with no transplanting

The iron badge requires -

four million calories from 30 species, half without irrigation
six well designed hugelculture beds totalling 150 ft long.
harvest fruit from 12 trees that you started from seed
one acre food forest, well designed with seven full layers.
landrace seed saving from at least 12 species over 3 generations, selecting for particular traits.

Relevant Threads

Want to volunteer? Contact Mike Haasl here.

PEP Badge: Gardening - main thread - includes lists of required species

What is PEP and PEX?
PEP Forum
PEA forum
22 PEP badges

poor man's poll: would you support a kickstarter for a SKIP book?

Support the Empire

Help support the empire and get all of the podcasts in a bundle here in the digital market at permies.

To support production of these podcasts, make a donation here at Paul's Patreon page.

This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Wade Luger
Jocelyn Campbell
thomas adams
Chris Sugg
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
Kyle Neath
Bill Erickson
G Cooper
Lisa Goodspeed
Penny McLoughlin
Mehron Kugler
Sean Benedict
Dana Martin
Rita Bliden
Greg Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Ruwan Nanayakkara
Polly Jayne Smyth
Bring out your dead! Or a tiny ad:
Green University by Thomas Elpel
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