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Paul calls up three of his Patreon supporters, Julia Winter, Katy, and Ryan, along with a… “hijackee?”, Elliot, who’s allowed in due to being family of one of the Patreons.

Paul received a pile of interesting stuff from a guy, including a planer that is great for finishing woodworks as well as producing shavings that are among the best possible things for starting Rocket Mass Heaters.  Bonus: less glue-laden sandpaper gets used!

Due to the recent cold weather and the lack of a resident in the Love Shack, they’ve decided to re-do the insulation, but later came to the conclusion that if they did more work on it, they could make the final result twice as effective, now they’ve taken off the interior walls and all the old insulation and are about to go after the ceiling and are talking about the floor as well.  Fortunately the Love Shack is quite small, so even with the roughly triple workload it still shouldn’t take very long.  *knocks on wood*

In terms of calk, they’ve been using cob, but found that any kind of movement, or expansion of materials causes it to just break, along with having to design the whole building around the cob.  Beeswax works more like a normal calk, but still suffers from shredding whenever the materials expand and contract from changing temperatures.  Pine tar sounds like a good idea, although they haven’t tried it yet.  

They’ve tried whitewashing some things, including the inside of Allerton Abbey, only for it to start peeling after a year.  This is after about 7 coats and the massive energy footprint of cooking the lime, and apparently because the lime was a bit old – so that’s out.  Charring wood seems to add about 10% to its lifespan, but charring and coating with linseed seems to hold a lot better.

Relevant Threads

Thread on the Love Shack

Pine sap/tar/resin thread

Whitewash thread

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This podcast was made possible thanks to:

Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Wade Luger
Kyle Neath
Chris Sugg
Bill Erickson
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
G Cooper
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Ash Jackson
Mehron Kugler
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Pasquale DeAngelis
Sean Benedict
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Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
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Posts: 113
Location: Central Oregon Coast Range, valley side
duck forest garden fungi bee homestead ungarbage
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just as long as you aren't losing track of your results, do all the experiments, as many as you can!!! Especially when work input is limited to a handful of hours, and then you have to wait 2+ years to see the result...

a hot tip on waterproof caulking, whether its from ancient Egypt or Greece I can't remember, it's a recipe for some stuff they use to slather on the inside of leaking ship hulls for a few eons at least; equal parts by weight, beeswax, pine tar, linseed oil.  Heat together and stir to combine.

I haven't tried to seal a ship hull or a building with this stuff, (yet) but I did use it for grafting.  2.5 years later and the stuff I brushed on peach branches is showing no signs of wearing to the western Oregon elements.  Solid cylinder, bound to dead bark.  (Too bad the plum and apricot to peach grafts have failed, 1 and all.  I think this is due to poor timing and contact...)  

One last hot tip, I recently put Turkey tails fungus fruiting bodies into a German made spice grinder.  (Because every single one of the purchased and more desirable mushroom inoculations have failed to naturalize at this location, and meanwhile the white oak logs are covered in Turkey tails and orange crust fungus like I've never seen...)  After being run through a spice grinder to be put in bread, Turkey tails looked like insulation, and they felt like insulation.   It was the fluffiest most airiest thing I ever made, and I barely doubt that it had an R value above most the things.  But your gonna have to do a more controlled experiment for an actual number.
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