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Credits: Rob Young
Part 4 of the Reverence for bees podcast with Paul and Jacqueline begins with the
colony collapse disorder topic and how they both feel it is due to stress. Pesticides/Herbicides are a form of stress as well. They also discuss how research is done and how it lacks in actual, factual data due to not observing the bees over time not just a quick one time observation. Paul also suggests his idea of why the
chem ag companies are researching this disorder as well and makes some future predictions on new laws and new products and the ways they will be advertised and administrated. Jacqueline chimes in that most people are not reading the instructions on how to spray the chem-ag products as well.
Paul reveals that Kraft and Nabisco are 2 of his least favorite food companies and tells why.
Mites are then discussed and the ways they can be killed- Miticides. They talk of the organic ways of dealing with this and the treatment free method. It seems their conclusion is: Don't poison bad things (mold, mites)-build up the health of the overall colony so they can take on the natural!
Migratory beekeeping is then tackled as to what it is, how they do it and how and why they continue to stay in the business. Some hives can travel up to 10,000 per year driven around on the back of semi tractor trailers. Monocrops are the cause of this business model.
The thought of
importing bees from other countries is given a quick overview- pro's and cons.
Powdered sugar is discussed how, why, and why not to use this as a treatment. Jacqueline reviews sugar water and pollen patties- pros and cons.
99% of honey off the shelves had spores of bee diseases in them according to an FDA colony collapse study. Jacqueline suggest people to save 2 years supply of their own honey for emergencies in order to avoid giving your bees store bought honey and introducing these diseases into your own bees. She gives other suggestions as well.
The need for
water station and how to build one is one of Jacqueline's favorite past times. She presents why this is so important for the colonies health and how it becomes as Paul put it "a neutral zone".
They wrap it up with 3 seasons forage, variety of forage, and, polyculture. Planting is important. Bees will pollinate only one type of flower per day, like all lavender/ all day so plant clumps of lavender together so they do not have to search all over for it. Jacqueline closes out with a list of different flowers to plant and for what times of year they are useful (3 seasons, variety and polyculture).
Bigger, better, faster in terms of business and bees is hashed out as well.
Useful Links
Part 3 of the interview
Honey Bees Forum
bees: way beyond organic, bee reverence thread at permies
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