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In an interesting inversion of the usual podcast formula, this time Paul is sat down and interviewed by the Local Leaders of the 21st Century Club of Pleasanton, California.
Who are you and what are you about:
Paul was always bonkers about
gardening, and when someone told him about permaculture and he read up about it, it turned out that it had a lot of stuff in it that Paul thought he had invented, and more. He went to a big environmental event and tried interviewing people on what the best thing to do for the event and was highly dissatisfied with the number of people that just responded with “die”. Surely a good gardener working with nature can make it sing?
He’s had about a dozen old folks come up to him and ask him to send someone worthy over so they can will their land to them. “Worthy” as in “won’t just
sell it or allow a strip mall to be built on it” and actually do some good on it. So he started his
SKIP programme.
Who is
Sepp Holzer, and why is he important?
They met in ~2009 and quickly became BFFs, Sepp does the things that Paul always talks about doing and on a large scale. He grows an immense amount of food without irrigation or fertilization, gone to places where people are starving and made systems that grows food like weeds, and proven that a growing population can be fed on the land that’s already farmed.
Other questions presented to Paul:
How would you recommend really
saving energy?
What is “’poo-less hair”? And is it good
enough to remove chlorine from swimming pools?
Are there any other examples of ways of improving our lives while being more sustainable?
Where do you get inspiration for your projects, and who do you talk to to get more ideas?
Relevant Threads
SKIP website
SKIP forum
Sepp Holzer forum
Going poo-less: No Shampoo/Soap in the Shower
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This podcast was made possible thanks to:
Dr. Hugh Gill Kultur
Eivind W. Bjørkavåg
Suleiman, Karrie, and Sasquatch
Bill Crim
Kerry JustTooLazy
Jocelyn Campbell
Wade Luger
Kyle Neath
Chris Sugg
Bill Erickson
Dominic Crolius
Julia Winter, world's slowest mosaic artist
G Cooper
Penny McLoughlin
Ash Jackson
Mehron Kugler
Lisa Goodspeed
Pasquale DeAngelis
Sean Benedict
Greg Martin
Rita Bliden
Dana Martin
Candace Dahlk
Keith Kuhnsman
Eric Tolbert
Ruwan Nanayakkara
Polly Jayne Smyth