Samantha Lewis

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since Apr 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Samantha Lewis

One ticket left??

So cool nice work everyone!  

1 day ago

Tina Wolf wrote:Currently,
I have everything to make a kindling cracker. Now, I just need to find the time! I'd like to make mine at home, before the event!

Hello Tina!
Good for you!  
So cool that you can do metal work!  

The metal working badge is definitely one I will need to get at Wheaton  Labs!   They have all the tools there.  I don’t know how to do any of that stuff!  
2 days ago
I noticed that the "list of Otises" has a new entry!

here is the link to the thread:

Where I live most families are 4th or 5th generation on their land.  It is a good thing too because how could a young family afford to get started farming or ranching?
The cost of land, equipment and infrastructure make if prohibitively expensive and the profit margins are slim.    

The young kids grew up with grandad, out working the farm ground, grazing animals and fixing fence.  When they came in from the fields they would wash up and get to work helping grandma put up the harvest from massive gardens.  

They know their land, what it can do and how to protect it because they have generations of experience.  The elders have confidence that their lineage, hard work and investment will be carried forward.   It is the family farm and everyone contributes to infrastructure, security and future.  

The S.K.I.P program puts this dream within reach for all of us.  

Maybe your grandparents left you other gifts.  Now you can have a farm too.  Live your dream and be free.

All you have to do is carve a spoon, wash the dishes and bunch of other projects you will have to do anyway when you have your own place.  

I think this path is way more fun than working an office job.  

It is faster too.  How long will it take to earn a million dollars?  

If I had to pay for my dreams I would have to scale them down.  

Dream big!
Come play with us this summer!
 This is a gift Paul is offering you.  If you accept it and make this investment of time and money it will change your life.  Open your mind to new possibilities.   There are many hands waiting to help.  Just reach out!

Buy your tickets here:
(Buy two - they are cheep.  Do you have a friend?)
2 days ago
Learning from Opalyn is a real gift.   The more I learn from her, the more I see how much there is to know.  

She knows "how" to make stuff.  I can describe a kind of rug or weaving I saw and she can tell me how it is done and even how to warp the loom to create the weave.  
One year she built a loom and another time she made a spinning wheel.

She is amazing!

I will bring a table loom this year.  Maybe in the off time she will help me warp it and we can get started on a plush wool rug for Wheaton Labs!

The projects you work on here, in these two weeks, will build skills you carry forever.  
3 days ago
Such a great call today!  
Here is the link to the replay:

Thank you everyone for jumping in and making if fun.

I am so excited to learn from Mike and Opalyn again this summer.  

These two bring a unique art to their craft.

Mike taught me to use a chain saw, drill press and some really great hand tools.  Every time I get to learn from him I feel more able to create with wood.  He showed me what tools to use to remove and shape the wood.  

I also see the forest differently after watching Mike work.   He can see the finished piece he wants to make before he even takes the wood out of the forest.   If you walk through the woods with him and listen to the way he looks at the materials, you can start to see it too.
3 days ago
Thanks Andrés!

What a sweet video.  It is so great to see what people can create when they work together and stay in one place.

To me, the S.K.I.P.  program makes owning a place like this an achievable goal.    It gives me a path I can walk to create my dream.  
3 days ago
Hello K!

Welcome to permies!

That sounds great!  We are trying to get this program and opportunity out to as many people as possible.  

You can send me a message!  I am one of Paul's assistants.
3 days ago
Come out and say "hi " on your tube!

We are live for a few more minutes!  

Tickets are still on sale until Monday at noon

here is the link to get your tickets:
3 days ago
I love driving the excavator!   It is so much fun and you can accomplish a huge amount of work in just a few minutes!  

3 days ago