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the top 12 podcasts

author and steward
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for a lot of thing, i really like the idea that they are limited to people that have listened to more than 90% of the podcasts. Or a majority of the podcasts. And then some places are limited to those folks that have listened to at least a dozen podcasts.

For those people that have not listened to any podcasts, and they are only going to listen to 12 podcasts, what might be the top 12 for people thinking about coming to the land?

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087 - Replacing Irrigation with Permaculture
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C'mon people, help me out here, I would be one of those looking for best/most useful podcasts.

Kathy J.
paul wheaton
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037 - intentional community
paul wheaton
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042 - intentional community part 2
117 - democratic community

064 - deviating from the norm part 1
065 - deviating from the norm part 2

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One of my favorites is
020 - 30 Tinkerers in 30 Minutes

and woah, that's weird. I was writing this before receiving your daily-ish email... spooky.

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Clearly, the most controversial podcasts ever. "Making Big Bucks with Permaculture 1, 2 & 3! (I'd actually like to hear an update to this one or an interview of Paul on this topic because I think that there are a lot of unanswered questions for a lot of people:-)
Paul, if you need someone to interview you on this, I'd be happy to do it. (For all you poverty loving/seeking folks out there, I'm not looking to get rich, just looking to have a lifestyle my wife and kids won't mind having sans debt)

The one with the Wheaton-Eco Scale. This one is huge. Especially the ironic statement that the people that are one or two levels below you are idiots, and the people that are two or more levels ahead of you are crazy and insane.
Raising Pigs - I think this really helps
Chickens - Duh?
Getting Land - Explains what your purpose is in obtaining land, and what you are trying to accomplish. It could be redone (should be redone?) to reflect the new reality, with quarterly updates about what is cooking and in the works.

And most of the others I like are already listed here as well.

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Podcast 059 - Early Retirement Extreme
Podcast 227 - Spreading Permaculture with Geoff Lawton
Podcast 228 - Spreading Permaculture with Geoff Lawton
Podcast 235 - Pig in a Day

They are the ones that come to my mind first. It is hard to pick, they are all different and important bricks of a building. It is like saying pick the 12 most important bricks of the Great Pyramid...
paul wheaton
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My thinking is that folks coming to BC will be pretty open. But we will have restrictions to who may come to TL. The restriction to the first part might be something like: they have listened to at least 12 podcasts. So that gets a person onto the first section of TL. The second section will probably have greater restrictions and the third section even more.

The purpose with this is multi-faceted. One, to have some respect for what we are attempting to accomplish. This stuff can appear pretty crazy to people that are not familiar with it. Two, to help folks get along: conflict comes from a difference of knowledge set. Three, able to throw a shoulder in without accidentally pushing us in the wrong direction.

As i write this, how the land will be divided has not been decided yet. Plus there is not yet a lot of infrastructure. So things are different. I think for folks moving to the land, or coming up for an extended period of time, the adults need to have listened to at least half of the podcasts to come onto TL. Eventually, if they live on the first section, the only visitors they can have to their home would be people that have listened to at least 12 podcasts. Although I do think that they should be able to receive guests at base camp and possibly just entertain them there.

So, if a person has decided to listen to 12, it would be good to figure out the 12 that will best meet our goals.
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This was tough. Here are the 12 that seem to have affected me the most, so they get my vote:

007 - Masanobu Fukuoka Larry Korn
053 - Toby Hemenway native plants
056 - Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas
087 - Replacing Irrigation with Permaculture
110 - Consensus and Assholes
134 - Joel Salatin Part 1 (&2)
169 - Sepp Holzer Interview
175 - Tree Bogs and Natural Burials
181 - Mason Bees Part 2
202 - Paul visits Joseph & Jacqueline Freeman of Friendly Haven Rise Farm - Pt. 1 (&2)
223 - Poop Beast Part 1 (&2)
236 - Interview with Sally Fallon on Raw Milk

Also, I think peeps would be well served to watch the videos on dandelions, comfrey, and hugelkultur too. They're short and full of good stuff.
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Gaias garden 44,47 & 55. Some of you and Jocelyn's best work.

Intentional community 42 (of coarse) even if the person is just visiting, they should understand the basic function of how your community works and why why it works.
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I listened to 99 Lessons From the Forest today and was blown away.
Adrien Lapointe
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Here is the link to podcast 099.
Bill Puckett
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I believe another great one is going to be Podcast 101, in which Paul reads Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Letter From Birmingham Jail, prefaced by the letter that precipitated it. Paul states that he has read the letter repeatedly over the course of 30 some odd years. I had never paid much attention to the text; Paul made me regret my oversight in this podcast. Definitely tops my list so far.
Adrien Lapointe
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Bill Puckett wrote:I believe another great one is going to be Podcast 101, in which Paul reads Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's Letter From Birmingham Jail, prefaced by the letter that precipitated it. Paul states that he has read the letter repeatedly over the course of 30 some odd years. I had never paid much attention to the text; Paul made me regret my oversight in this podcast. Definitely tops my list so far.

I agree that it is definitely one of the best podcast. I am not sure if it is the best introduction to Paul's stuff for people coming to TL, but definitely on my top list.

Here is the link to that podcast.
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I tried to list and analyze the suggestions and see if any came out on top. There were 35 suggestions and only 3 with two votes each.

So, from hearing Paul's thoughts over time on his podcasts, I did my best to narrow the list of 35 to twelve. I came up with a list of 13. What would you cut? Or, what would your list of 12 be?

020 - 30 tinkerers in 30 minutes
037 - intentional community
053 - toby hemenway native plants
056 - horticulture of the US of P
087 - replacing irrigation with permaculture
181 - mason bees part 2
189 - getting land
200 - paul talks with Richard from the PDC in MT - part 1 (wheaton eco scale)
223 - poop beast part 1
227 - spreading permaculture with geoff lawton
235 - pig in a day
236 - interview with Sally Fallon
284 - reverence for bees part 1
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I really liked the one with Brian Kervliet-the Biodynamic Farmer from Bellingham.
John S
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It's been a while since we had a list of favorite podcasts.  What podcasts would you recommend for someone looking to get up to speed with things on the lab?

I think I'd add one or two of the recent podcasts talking about the "20 month party" and Ant Village and such, so maybe one or two from the 2014 list will have to make way.
paul wheaton
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We want to have a list of the top 12 podcasts for the permies.com home page.  

It has been a long time since we did this.  Further, it would be good to order them by which ones we think are best.   Further still, check this out:


Each thread on permies gets a score based on the number of views, the number of thumbs, the number of apples, and maybe a few other things.  

Supposing that person new to permies is going to look at the list, and might actually try a podcast, we need the top 12 podcasts most likely for somebody to click on.  Looking at the list, here are my guesses:

Podcast 284 - Reverence for Bees Part 1
Podcast 230 - Review of Hands-On Agronomy
Podcast 236 - Interview with Sally Fallon on Raw Milk
Podcast 240 - Poo-Less: Shampoo and Soap less
Podcast 260 - Homestead Butchering Q&A
Podcast 104 - Rocket Mass Heaters with Ernie and Erica
Podcast 303 - Interview with Willie Smits
Podcast 074 - Review of Sepp Holzer's Permaculture, Part 1
Podcast 007 - Discussion with Larry Korn About Masanobu Fukuoka
Podcast 043 - Gaia's Garden Part 1
Podcast 059 - Early Retirement Extreme
Podcast 348 - Permaculture Millionaire
podcast 392 - Joseph Lofthouse on plant breeding - part 1
Podcast 211: Women Peeing Outdoors
podcast 413 - The problem with batch box rocket mass heaters - Part 1
Podcast 223 - Poop Beast Part 1

Anybody wanna update their list?  Make a new list?  Which podcasts might we be overlooking?  Maybe one with Art Ludwig?  Something about the 2017 drama?  Or maybe "the problem is the solution"?  

A few more ...

podcast 452 - site review Julia's Farm - Part1
Podcast 097 – The Man Who Planted Trees
podcast 395 - Review of the Song of Increase
podcast 420 - Stink - Part 1
Podcast 014 - Chicken Presentation
podcast 432 - Zach Weiss - Spring Terrace - Part1
Podcast 064 - Deviating from the Norm Part 1
podcast 401 - Permaculture Design Course for Scientists and Engineers
podcast 460 - WWOOF - Part1

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