I first read
Mike Oehler's books in 2010
while having Internet access within a
wood passive
solar home
with glycol panels and pv panels with a 20K inverter system.
I would binge on Internet and library books
on everything permie-ish
Later I managed to get a digital copy of both his
underground book and his greenhouse book.
If his book hadn't been called underground
I would have missed it altogether
because at the time I knew nothing
Soon after I was searching everywhere for
anything and everything related.
I finally acquired this book and the greenhouse book
in used physical form this September.
My francophone friend who really doesn't read
was glued to them both. He told me he understood most of it
-- and he doesn't English!
Or read -- so that is how easy it is to understand Mike Oehler.
(My friend is from the olden days when boys from the bush really were
permanently pulled from school to cut and drag out trees
with draft horses)
This book is worth your money and then some.